Back to School
When I was writing this I realised that before I start talking about new exams I should tell you about how it’s all gone so far. I want to do Maths at University and I’m doing Maths, Further Maths, Additional Maths (AS), Physics, and Chemistry for A Level.
To be frank I didn’t do as well in Y12 as I’d hoped. All my UMS scores were ~10 lower than I’d wanted and I flunked one of the Physics exams getting a D in it. I’m resiting that in January as well as three new maths exams. All in all I ended up with AABB at AS which has all left me in an odd place for University, but I’ll talk about that another time.
It’s back to school tomorrow, exams in just over a week and I am feeling hideously unprepared. Having been ill for most of Christmas I’ve not been as productive as I’d hoped. Now I’m feeling slightly better again and I’ve started working as much as I’d planned it’s quickly becoming apparent that exams are not going to go well. Not at all. Let’s have a break down.
Statistics 2: past papers have been very hit and miss. ‘A’s on some, ‘E’s on others and even some outright ‘U’s. So don’t really know how that will go. I need 74+/100 UMS on it for the A in additional further maths which isn’t too much but I’m still nervous.
Physics 2: well this is just a fail. I need about 20 UMS more than I got last summer (this isn’t much considering I got 70/120) to get my overall B up to an A but I have no idea if even this is possible. I won’t get more than a B on the actual exam but that doesn’t really matter.
Core 3: feeling reasonably confident. I have a nice week between the two above (which are on the same day!) and this which I can just cram with three papers a day to make up for my failings over christmas. Hoping for 90+/100 in this one as to make for good damage control for…
Core 4: this is just going to fail. No questions. I asked to do this early to take an exam off my summer total (currently at 14) and hopefully make everything less stressful but it’s not worked. I’m just going to let this one go I think and retake it in summer. The one weekend between C3 and this is going to be very interesting.
So that’s all that… and pretty much everything. I’ve not really had time to do much else. As soon as I started getting better I’ve just flooded my life with revision in hope that it won’t turn out too bad. Here’s hoping it’s enough.